

Producer Image 1
Alchemy Gardens
Contact: Scott Courcelle
Address: 224 Frank Lord Road Shrewsbury, VT, 05738
About Us
Alchemy Gardens is a farm growing vegetables, herbs and flowers organically in Shrewsbury, Vermont.
Farmer Scott Courcelle loves the magic of growing food and the nourishment it provides. Alchemy Gardens focuses on producing high quality, nutrient dense fermented sauerkraut and hot sauce and starter plants for home gardeners.
Certified organic, our plants are grown following all organic standards. We use nutrient-dense crop production protocols, meaning we work to have a biologically active soil system and the most nutritious crops possible. Unlike many certified organic growers, we do not use broad spectrum pesticides (many organic approved pesticides still kill lots of beneficial "bugs" and bees). The sprays we use are full of beneficial "good" stuff, like sea minerals and essential oils. Visit our gardens and you will see the vitality in our plants!


Like those of the past who worked tirelessly to transform simple elements into gold, we realized our mission is much the same. Following in the footsteps of our ancestors, we work hard and thoughtfully to transform simple elements–seeds, soil, sunlight and water–into something far greater and certainly more useful than gold.

We seek to nurture the seeds that have been passed down to us, in order to provide that which binds us all intimately with the earth, that which served as the genesis of community and culture, and which has the power to sustain life and restore our collective health–good food!